About Me

Hi! I'm Ronnie. This is my resume.

I'm a software engineer from the Bronx. I'm passionate about fostering inclusion and shifting human relationships with technology. Skateboarding is my favorite debugging tool and I'm open to discussions about the best dollar slice.

Currently, I work at GitHub (you're here now!) building out the feed.


  • Sex Ed In Space

    A talk at She+ Geeks Out about how technology can make sex education more accessible... potentially in space?

  • X-in-Y

    Was X in Y? Test your knowledge of Marvel comic events!

    • Multi-page application with React/Next.js
    • Uses Marvel API to populate list of characters and events
    Check it out!

  • A 10-step guide to queer UX

    10 tips on how you can improve user experiences for queer people. Featured in FastCompany.

Contact Me

Open to new opportunities in New York City or Atlanta including software development and speaking engagements. Or, drop me a line if you do genuinely want to talk about dollar slices.
